
Allied Health CPD

We provide an evidence based CPD courses for Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Chiropractic and more. Expand your clinical knowledge and improve your practice.

Featured Events

Nerve Pain in Practice - Fremantle

Learn to effectively manage nerve pain with manual therapy, patient education, home exercises and help prevent persistent pain in your patients.

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Myofascial Release - Melbourne

Need some new tricks in your manual therapy bag?

Fascia is one of the most critical and misunderstood anatomical structures and is often the missing link for persistent pain after a fall or injury, recurrent acute back pain, post-surgical pain and contusion injuries.

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Pain & Pregnancy - Melbourne

Learn to more effectively help women prepare for labour, during their pregnancy and to recover efficiently from delivery or caesarean section.

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Anatomy Up Close: the Pelvis - Melbourne

This clinical pelvic anatomy course - at the Melb Uni Cadaver Wet Lab - utilises real cases to review the pelvic anatomy in cadaver specemins

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Organisation and venue was great which left participants comfortable to concentrate on the excellent delivery of very helpful and relevant information and instruction. Well done everyone involved and a big thank you to Liz for so generously sharing her skill and expertise.

Gopi McLeod
Pain & Pregnancy

I especially liked the practical techniques/assessment and exercises that we learnt and, it was very nicely presented I found it easy to be engaged but not intimidating at all!

Jacqueline Green
the Pelvic Pain Puzzle

Liz is an inspiring and engaging presenter. She shares extensive clinical knowledge of pelvic and perineal pain by way of case studies and current evidence based practice protocols and relates current clinical application models for chronic pain seamlessly with familiar osteopathic principles.

This course has helped me to develop my confidence in diagnosing and treating patients with pelvic and perineal pain in a way that is immediately transferable to my every day practice.

Bimbi Joy
Pelvic Masterclass

Do you have CPD to give?

There are many great practitioners in Australia with experience and knowledge that colleagues could benefit from.

Despite having the passion many of them lack the experience or time to arrange the venue, equipment, insurance, logistics, catering, promotion & ticketing necessary to put on a great course. This means some fantastic and presentations simply never happen.

Bower Bird's vision is not only to promote existing courses, but to assist practitioners to develop and present their areas of expertise as professional CPD. If you'd like to be involved, please get in touch and let us help you share your knowledge and experience.
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© 2018 Bower Bird CPD
[email protected]
 | Sydney, Australia
The Howard Dellicastelli Trust
ABN: 44 614 139 209
T/A Bower Bird CPD