
About the presenter

Liz Howard

Liz Howard has over 25 years of experience as an Osteopath and has worked at the Women’s Health & Research Institute of Australia for over 10 years. Her main focus is the holistic management of complex pelvic pain with the interdisciplinary team, working closely with Professor Thierry Vancaillie (Gynaecologist and Pain Medicine Specialist). In 2020 she was one of only 5 practitioners to be awarded the title of Advanced Pain Management Osteopath by Osteopathy Australia.

Her roles include Osteopathic care, pain education, clinical specialist in sacral neuromodulation and facilitating group education for pelvic pain. Liz was intimately involved in helping manage the women suffering from pelvic pain after mesh surgery for prolapse or incontinence at WHRIA and the Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick.

Liz has been involved in clinical research at WHRIA and in conjunction with the Royal Hospital for Women since joining WHRIA. In addition to numerous poster presentations, her work in major journals includes:

Elizabeth Howards womens health cpd and myofascial release cpd course remain some of our most popular osteopathic cpd courses

Liz's teaching experience ranges from lectures and technique in Undergraduate and Master’s Osteopathic programs (University of Western Sydney, Southern Cross University), clinical supervision of Osteopathic students (UWS, SCU, SportsMed Mumbai), Osteopathy Australia National Conference presentation, Pelvic Floor Seminars, GP education evenings, allied health events and her own face-to-face and online CPD in partnership with Bower Bird CPD.

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